LexisNexis® Regulatory Compliance helps you forge a clear path to compliance.
With LexisNexis content know-how at the core, our compliance registers, alerts, and information-driven solutions make compliance uncomplicated for GRC professionals across the globe.
LexisNexis Regulatory Compliance makes your compliance journey fast and seamless. The solution offers the following:
✔ Comprehensive coverage
✔ Easy to understand content
✔ Alerts
✔ Timely updates
✔ Readily accessible content
We have over 90 modules, including:
• Privacy and Data Protection
• Competition and Consumer
• And more!
About the Modern Slavery Compliance Register
The Modern Slavery Compliance Register provides clear guidance on which entities fall into the modern slavery reporting category, as well as what measures, strategies and remedial action should be taken to assess modern slavery risks in operations and supply chains. It also assists entities to prepare their modern slavery statement according to the required content and criteria, approval process and reporting deadlines.
The register also provides information on how to identify and mitigate modern slavery risks in different aspects of your business activities including recruitment and employment practices, workplace operations, procurement and more.
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